
The Books

These are the books I've selected (listed by shelf number) for this project. The titles in bold below correspond to the orange-shaded boxes above and are the books I've finished reading. They're also linked to the post about the book. The titles listed below may change, as the books might go missing, be withdrawn, or not be what I expected when I go to pick them up.

[1] Forty studies that changed psychology: explorations into the history of psychological research
[2] From axons to identity: neurological explorations of the nature of the self
[3] The believing brain: from ghosts and gods to politics and conspiracies
[4] Bhagavad Gita
[5] Alexander the Great and the mystery of the elephant medallions
[6] Kilroy was here: the best American humor from World War II
[7] Pity for the Guy: a biography of Guy Fawkes
[8] The night of broken glass: eyewitness accounts of Kristallnacht
[9] Vietnam War nurses: personal accounts of 18 Americans
[10] Becoming two-spirit: gay identity and social acceptance in Indian country
[11] Angela's ashes
[12] Thomas Jefferson's creme brulee: how a founding father and his slave James Hemings introduced French cuisine to America
[13] The audacity of hope
[14] Eight women, two model Ts, and the American west
[15] Sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps
[16] The umbrella unfurled: its remarkable life and times
[17] Croquet and its influence on Victorian society
[18] Brand failures: the truth about the 100 biggest branding mistakes of all time
[19] Super Mario: how Nintendo conquered America
[20] Signs, streets, and storefronts: a history of architecture and graphics along America's commercial corridors
[21] Bi: notes for a bisexual revolution
[22] My little red book
[23] On women turning 30: making choices, finding meaning
[24] Washed away: how the Great Flood of 1913, America's most widespread national disaster, terrorized a nation and changed it forever
[25] There is a gunman on campus: tragedy and terror at Virginia Tech
[26] The thirteenth turn: a history of the noose
[27] Homer Simpson ponders politics: popular culture as political theory
[28] Is eating people wrong?: great legal cases and how they shaped the world
[29] Libraries, the First Amendment, and cyberspace: what you need to know
[30] The Montessori method
[31] Columbine
[32] Is this the real life?: the untold story of Queen
[33] Letterscapes: a global survey of typographic installations
[38] Are you my mother?
[49] The Martian

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